Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critiquing Internet Sources Essay

Today, the Internet provides an unprecedented amount of information by way of blogs, videos, and podcasts. Conduct a critique of one blog, one video, and one podcast, which provide information that addresses the topic of your Final Research Paper. Assess the authors’ use of bias, validity, and applicability of information. Examine the influence of web-based information on global citizenship and multicultural understanding. Then, compile a list of three factors you believe should be considered when evaluating Internet sources for use in researching information. The paper must be three to four pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. In addition to the three multimedia sources you are analyzing, support your points with at least two scholarly sources. One of the scholarly sources must be from the Ashford Online Library. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Holy Moly Essay

Socrates is simply asking questions to get a straight answer from Euthyphro, which he is unable to do. When asked,â€Å"what is piety? † Euthyphro answers â€Å"Doing as I do†. He thinks he is doing the pious thing by bringing his father up on charges of impiety. In his words, he is saying prosecutinganyone guilty of murder, no matter who they are . Socrates, basically is not entertained by this response, because it is not an answer. When asked again â€Å"what is Piety? † Euthryphro responds with, â€Å" What is dear to the Gods is pious and what is not dear to them is impious†. Socrates asks† â€Å"Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious? Or is it pious because it is loved by the gods? Euthyphro is contradicting himself. That which is dear to the gods is dear to the gods because it is first loved of them, not because it is dear to them. But the pious or holy is loved by the gods because it is pious or holy. Which is the same as saying that it is loved by them because it is dear to them. Hisexplanation is going in circles. When asked again, Euthyphroresponds, â€Å"Piety is knowing how to please the Gods in word and deed, by prayers and sacrifice†Socrates responds by saying that it is a way of doing business between the gods andmen. You ask the gods what you can do and they tell you what they want you to do. Euthyphro has failed to show what pious is. I believe Socrates goal in the dialogue was to change his mind about prosecuting his father and to determine whether Euthypro’s definition of piety or impiety was sufficient enough toprosecute his own father for murderandto clear himself of his indictment. The features of the dialogue that led me to believe this was when Socrates asked, â€Å"Are you able to show your fatherguilty of murder orthat all the gods are agreed in approving of our prosecution of him. Then says to Euthyphro† If you had not certainly known the nature of piety and impiety, I am confident, you would not have charged your father with the murder† Euthyphro, then hurries away , I am thinking to save his father from being tried for murder. If Socrates knew the nature of piety and impiety he may have been able to clear himself ofMeletus and his indictment.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Facundo Summary Essay

The evil that afflicts Argentina is its size: the vast surrounding desert everywhere. To the south and north the wild-lurk the Indians prepared to attack at any time. This insecurity of life in the Argentine character prints some stoic resignation to violent death, explaining the indifference with which the giving and receiving of death. The inhabited part of the country can be divided into three faces: the dense forest (north), the jungle and the pampas. The Pampa is the image of the sea on earth, waiting to send her to produce. There are numerous navigable rivers republic, but dislikes the son of the Spanish navigation. Thus, the greatest gift to a people is a dead item, untapped. The fruitful is the only river Plate. Buenos Aires is called to be one day the gigantic city of the Americas. She alone is in contact with Europe and exploits the advantages of foreign trade. This monopolistic position of Buenos Aires that although Rose does indeed had wanted to follow the federalism would have been impossible, and would have ended up with the system that holds today: the unit. (â€Å"We, however, wanted the unity of civilization and freedom, and the unit has given us into barbarism and slavery.†) As America is called to be a federation for its wide exposure to the Atlantic, Argentina is set to be unity. The city is the center of civilization Argentina Spanish, European, but the desert nearby.Man City live a civilized life. In the city are the laws, ideas, progress, education, regular government. The countryside and the city represent two separate companies, two people strangers to each other. The man’s campaign to the city hates and hates the educated man. Argentina shares many features with the Asian plains of the Tigris and Euphrates, and the lives of his men are often similar (Arabs and gauchos). Field: Argentina dominated the campaign of brutal force, the authority without limits and responsibilities of charge. This is seen in the executions of the foreman, that do not support claim legitimate authority considered that it  has killed. The people of the field consists of two races: Spanish and Indian (except in Buenos Aires, the black, leaning toward civilization and endowed with talent, is extinct). These races are known for their love of idleness and industrial disability. The American races, the Indians are unable to work hard, and the Spanish race shows the same trend. In the campaign the company disappears completely, only the family remains feudal isolation. Thus, any form of government becomes impossible, no municipality, scope and execution of judicial state violence monopolized. The population is scattered. No public response. Civilization is entirely unworkable and barbarism is normal. Progress is stifled, because there can be no progress without permanent possession of the ground, not the city that unfolds is the man’s industrial capacity and allows you to extend your purchases. In the field of religion is distorted. What happens with religion than with the Spanish language is corrupted. It is a natural religion. The Gauchos are Spanish only by the confusing language and religious notions they possess. Home occupations, cottage industries, are exercised by the woman, she weighs nearly all the work. Education country man: children exercise their forces and are trained for pleasure in handling the bow and the balls and are riders. With puberty and adolescence are the complete independence and unemployment. From childhood are used to kill cattle, which familiarizes them with bloodshed. The horse is an integral part of Argentine fields. Thus, children are gradually acquiring the characteristics of their ancestors: the habit of succeeding in the resistance, to challenge and overcome nature. This promotes a sense of individual importance and superiority in the field man. All Argentineans are aware of their worth as a nation, have some vanity. In conclusion, rural life has unfolded in the gaucho faculty, without stimulating the intellect.His moral character is supported by the habit of triumph over obstacles and nature.Strong, proud, energetic, has no instruction. He is happy in their poverty, because that’s all he knows. The gaucho is not working, food and clothing it is prepared at home, the one and the other was provided by their cattle. Chapter II: Argentine originality and character. The crawler. The trail guide. The gaucho malo. The cantor. The pastoral life is also his poetic side. For example, in the immensity Echeverrà ­a, in the wild, found in the solemn nature of the inspirations for his works, which were then greeted with approval in Europe. The Argentine people are by nature a poet and musician. In the middle are the storm, the omnipresent death, the endless pampas. The gaucho is in this sense, their popular poetry, naive and sloppy. Trivia: when Echeverria resided in the campaign, the gauchos around him with respect. Although it was for them a â€Å"pack†, respected him because he was a poet. The farming village has its own songs, including: the sad (the North) and vidalita (sung issues of the day and war songs). The guitar is the instrument par excellence. Especially notable in the campaign: The crawler, knows to follow the tracks of animals and men. It is a serious character, awareness of knowledge-a science that has popular home and gives him a certain dignity, quiet and mysterious. You can, by all accounts, follow tracks produced long ago. The trail guide, knows every inch of thousands of square miles of plains, forests and mountains. It is oriented based on the signs of nature. It is a surveyor. The map that the generals are, the fate of the army depends on it. It also announces the proximity of the enemy. Know the geographic distances and smaller. They say that General Rosas recognized by the taste of grass every room in the south of Buenos Aires. The bad gaucho: an outlaw is a misanthrope. Justice pursues, in the settlements name is pronounced with respect. Live in rural, isolated society that feeds on the hunt. It is a divorced man in society, outlawed by legislation, a savage white. Poets sing of their exploits around. However, the gaucho is not a bad villain, no t a criminal. Their profession, their science is to steal horses. It has some honor, and credit his word. The singer: Same bard, minstrel of the Middle Ages. It moves between the struggles of cities and the feudalism of the fields. The singer goes to pay in return, singing of the heroes of the pampas fugitives from justice, while mixing the story of his own exploits (often it is also being pursued by law). His poetry is dull, irregular, more sentimental narrative is filled with images of rural life. The singer does the same job of chronic, customs, history, biography, the bard of the Middle Ages. In Argentina are at the  same time two different civilizations on the same ground, without consciousness of each other: that mimics a nascent naive and popular efforts in the Middle Ages, and the other trying to make the last results European civilization. In Argentina, XII and XIX century living together: the first campaign, the second in the cities. Conclusion: reading this book the reader will find the characters typed above, and will reflect the country’s situation in the countryside, its customs and its organization. The bad gaucho Facundo. The singer: La Madrid. The trail guide: Artigas. Foreman carts, â€Å"The Herdsman† (warrior in the service of warlords). Chapter III: Association. The store. Here Sarmiento takes the first chapter and adds the following: In the field need to create a shell company to remedy the normal dissociation. In the shop give and receive news, there attend the parishioners of the surroundings, are armed horse racing, is the cantor. They are gambling and liquor. There fraternize. This accidental association of every day, on repeat, form a partnership, a public assembly without object, without social interest, probe begins to lie the roots of reputations. The gaucho esteem above all physical forces, the skill of horsemanship, and value. It is dedicated, for example, horse riding games. The gaucho knife goes armed, inherited from the Spanish. This is an instrument that serves for all occupations, can not live without it. Play the stabbing, he drew the knife and make your opponent hits him in the face, without killing him. The row is locked by reputation. He has no intention, in principle, to kill. Killing is a â€Å"disgrace.† Juan Manuel Rosas had made his home a kind of asylum for homicides (political paternalism). In this society, then the culture of the spirit is impossible, there is no public good. The gaucho becomes criminal or leader, according to the direction things take. Authorities of the campaign to crack down on ruthless judges are needed even more heartless. These authorities (remember the foremen) are ideas in the people about the power of authority, which later leads to its effects. The judge is obeyed by his fearsome reputation for boldness, his justification is â€Å"so I’m  in charge.† The field commander has more power than the judge and his features are even more terrible. To rule makes use of the men who inspire fear, and this is the dealings of weak governments. When Rose took over the city, wiped out all the commanders who had helped him to ascend, so that disputes the place of power that began to fill. These details given so far about life in the Argentine countryside, with its order, its distinctive partnership approach, have to explain social phenomena a nd the Argentine revolution that erupted in 1810. Previous chapters are often taken in high school. To these must be added: a) Chapter I of the Second part (or chapter 5) on children Quiroga b) the ninth or 13 (Barranca Yaco).See below. Chapter IV: Revolution of 1810. In all the nations of Latin character, object and purpose of revolutions for independence were the same, and born of the same breast: the movement of European ideas. Before the revolution in our country, there were books, ideas, law, education, was a base of organization, backward, feudal, monarchical, yes, but it existed. In the pastoral campaign, freedom, responsibility of power, developments involving the revolutionary movement was alien to their lifestyle. The revolution was useful to the field, both involved a new meeting place higher. Thus, the pastoral joined the agitation and revolutionary impulse. When people come into revolution, two competing interests fighting in principle, conservative and revolutionary, ie, realistic and patriotic. When a party wins, it is subdivided into moderate revolutionaries and visionaries. Then the defeated party was reorganized and succeeded by subdividing their rivals. When a revolution, one of the forces allied with the revolutionary cause, it follows immediately, forming a third entity, and indifferent to each other, this force is removed is heterogeneous. This was the movement led by Artigas. The force holding Artigas in Gauteng is the holding current to the leaders in their provinces and that kept Facundo in the Llanos. Individualism is its essence, the horse his gun and his theater pampa. The montonera appears Artigas, and is  parallel with the African hordes, presents a character of ferocity and spirit brutal terrorist. This is what Rose has become a system of laws applied to a cultured society. Rosas has not invented anything, his talent is plagiarizing their predecessors and make the brutal instincts of the ignorant masses, a coolly thoughtful and coordinated. The run with the butcher knife is an instinct that takes Rosas death to give the Gauchos forms, and to change the legal forms of other learned societies, which he calls America. The guerrilla band is a unique kind of war, which has its antecedent in the Asian peoples, and only in our country can be explained by examining the organization of society where applicable. Artigas was a trail guide, a leader of mass es on horseback, an enemy of civil society and the city, still playing in the figure of Argentine leaders. The war of the revolution in Argentina has been twofold: 1: war of the cities, launched in European culture against the Spanish in order to give greater extension to that culture (patriots influenced by the ideas of independence versus European Spanish royalists). 2: War of the leaders from the cities to escape the civil subject and fight against civilization. (The War of the savages of the campaign led by the warlords and Roses embodied in European culture versus existing cities) First, the triumph over the Spanish cities (the monarchy), but secondly, the campaign is due to the cities. Here is explained the enigma of the revolution in Argentina. With the victory of the leaders of the campaign, all civil manner disappeared in the field and is on track to disappear into the cities. â€Å"†¦ It is finally the central government, unitary, despotic landowner Juan Manuel de Rosas, who digs into the cultured Buenos Aires gaucho’s knife and destroy the work of centuries, civilization, laws and liberty.† (Excerpt from the end of Chapter III illustrates this idea). But Buenos Aires is so powerful elements of European civilization that will eventually educate Rosas, and contain their bloodthirsty and barbaric instincts. In fact, some of their wild characteristics and have been moderating over time. There are four cities that have already been wiped out by the domains of warlords and Roses: Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, San Luis and La Rioja. All of them had in 1810 with a great economic prosperity, intellectual and cultural life. Produced eminent men, the lights were  widespread. However, the process of barbarism has acted on them to bring them to ruin religious, educational, intellectual, economic and cultural. Sarmiento checks this done through an â€Å"interview† that holds a canon of La Rioja. San Juan (province Sarmiento) is headed for destruction: the educational level is very poor there, opposed to the high level it enjoyed before this process. Conclusion: ignorance and poverty expect the inner cities to give the last gasp devou r their prey, to make field stay. Buenos Aires can be saved for European civilization is so strong there that the brutalities of the government can not be against it. â€Å"Why fight? We fight to return to the cities their own life. â€Å" Part II. Chapter I (or Chapter 5 run number) Children and youth of Juan Facundo Quiroga. The chapter begins with this anecdote: Between the cities of San Luis and San Juan there is a desert called â€Å"journey.†Facundo, forced St. Louis to escape the knife justice issues, was the need to go through it alone. At that time, a man-eater (cannibal) walked hanging around the crossing. While crossing, Facundo heard the roar of the tiger. He climbed up, then a small locust tree.The tiger tracked the gaucho there and began trying to hunt him. He stayed for two hours staring at his prey, his eyes reddened by the blood lust. The gaucho was looking reeling from the glass, fascinated by the look of the animal. His friends managed to get tracks without hope in time and captured the tiger, who then killed him Facundo. â€Å"Then I knew what I was afraid,† said Facundo on this story. He called him â€Å"El Tigre de los Llanos.† Phrenology has demonstrated the relationship between the appearance of men and animals who are similar in character. Facundo Description: It was of short stature and stocky. In broad shoulders and short neck. His head was well formed, very thick hair cover, black and curly. His face was buried in a forest of hair, had a curly black beard that went up cheekbones sharp enough to discover a strong-willed and tough. His eyes caused terror were black, full of fire and was shaded by thick eyebrows.Facundo never looked head always bowed his head and looked  out between the eyebrows, to be feared. His complexion was pale brown. The structure of the head revealed, under this cover jungle, the organization of men born to command. However, as he was born in a given society these characters had to manifest itself in a bloody, terrible and wicked. Facundo was the son of a lowly San Juan, but had made some money with grazing. He went to school where he learned to read and write. In school he was arrogant, aloof and alone, just mingling with colleagues to lead acts of rebellion and to beat them. In the fables of childhood is the germ of the characteristic features of historical character. The memory of the people is full of stories of Quiroga. ‘I slapped his teacher because he hit him with a stick and ran to hide in a vineyard where he spent three days. This will be the leader who later challenge to the whole society. At puberty, kills his first victim: Jorge Peà ±a. The first drop of blood stream that marked its path. – Worked as a laborer in Mendoza for a woman. Exerted influence over other pawns and interceded on their behalf with the patron. Therefore pawns called him â€Å"Father† (political paternalism). At the end of one year called for his salary-sixty pesos, immediately went to a grocery store and played them all on one card, he lost. Leaving there, a judge ordered his book conchavo and left lying in a stabbing. Adult life spent hiding, hunted, playing, working as a laborer and distributing stabbing. -Travel to Buenos Aires and in 1810 he enlisted as a recruit in the militia of Ocampo.Then in the regiment of mounted grenadiers. However, military life involves discipline, order, and he was called to command, a rebel, I wanted to be created only in defiance of civilized society, a career combining bravery and crime, government, and disorganization. Defects and returns to the provinces, on the road kills a game. – Facundo returns to her parents. Like his father does not want to lend money, he sets fire to the roof. Father denounces this act and slaps him. But a year later make peace. Solve-enroll in the montonera Ramirez, scion of Artigas. The governor of St. Louis makes it turn and sends him to jail. There were Spanish prisoners who had been defeated in Chile. These rise up and open the door to the common prisoners to help them in flight. Facundo there escapes killing many men with a male crickets. He claims to have killed fourteen  people. -Later, Facundo quell the uprising succeeds and reconciled society. Facundo is the man of nature who has not learned to curb their passions is the nature of mankind in the pastoral countryside of Argentina. Facundo is primitive barbarism. In their actions show the man-beast, acts to produce terror in their environment. Gained prestige among the common people at the expense of patriotism and devotion meet with terror, using his cunning and credulity of the vulgar. Some thought even that he had supernatural powers. What I had was a certain superiority and knowledge of human nature and value of those means. The men close to Facundo said he had a strong dislike decent men who wanted to frighten rather than instill fear alone, he did understand the henchmen who was seer, who treated the men with whom he was connected as slaves, never had confessed, prayed and heard mass. Chapter II. La Rioja. The field commander. La Rioja is a city lonely, suburbs and withered. Los Llanos is a mountainous area, ravine, an oasis of green paste. The appearance of the province is desolate, the scorching weather, the dry land. La Rioja can be compared to Palestine in its geography and the patriarchal aspect of the peasantry. For example, the pawn must protect the life of his employer. Farmers living primitively barbaric preserving its purity and hostile to the cities. As in the Middle Ages, the city of La Rioja there is the struggle of two powerful families, noble: the Ocampo and Davila. After the success of San Luis, Facundo prestigious and recommended by the government occurs in the plains. Los Ocampo, who were in government, give the title field commander and sergeant major of the militia. Facundo, representing the pastoral element, barbarian, the third entity headed by Artigas, presented in La Rioja, called by one party in the city. Quiroga is a Trojan horse inside the city. While it’s field commander in Los Llanos, an uprising in San Juan, makes the northern provinces to quell worry. Facundo part of it and ignoring the strict orders he had, the focus falls on subversive and overcome them. Thus, Quiroga shows no orders from anyone expected and announced its decision to pull down the government. Quiroga takes La Rioja, overthrowing  the city. The leaves by Davila. However, it tries to conspire against him and capture him. Facundo defeat attempts and murders Araya, the captain who should seize him. The government, then, for the murder of intimate Araya. Quiroga decided to turn the civil war between the city and the plains, between him and the government. Send a group to the Board of Representatives to fulfill its mission: to declare deposed Davila. The other provinces decide to intervene to prevent the confrontation between the government and Facundo. Corvalan (the order of Roses, which appears in Amalia) is the mediator. Talk first with Facundo, who claims to accept peace. Then with Davila who abandons weapons. At that time, easily beating Quiroga government attacks. Before killing him Davila, it opens a wound that Facundo, as a good gaucho, always hidden. After the defeat and murder of Davila, Facundo sends condolences to the widow pays tribute to the dead, showing some nobility. As Quiroga has never been in charge of organized government, appointed as governor of a vulgar Spanish. Thus, Facundo seizes his country, the government traditions disappear, the forms are degraded, since the relief, unemployment and neglect are the supreme values ​​of the gaucho. Enrichment Quiroga: Half the cattle in the province belonged to him. His business was to supply the meat market, a monopoly, as no one dared to compete with him. In a business with foreign merchants, Facundo occurs in the home of a magnate of Buenos Aires with silk stockings, breeches mattress fabric and a poncho ruin. He wanted to humiliate the learned men and show their contempt for foreign men. None dared to laugh at this time. Facundo’s passion for the game embraced hi s public life. Took advantage of his power and fearlessness to take advantage. He played with unlimited funds. This destruction of civil order that Facundo achieved in La Rioja resulted in the migration of people to San Juan, the Plains are now deserts. Chapter III: Sociability. Cà ³rdoba. Buenos Aires (1825). Facundo La Rioja has absolute master. Since there are no lyrics, no opinions, and as no opinions, La Rioja is a war machine. State of the country’s major cities: Cordoba is one of the most beautiful cities on the continent. Until 1829, the  spirit of Cordoba is monastic and ecclesiastical. While the old University of Cordoba has a high level, is almost entirely circumscribed to theology. The spirit of Cordoba was by this time the Middle Ages. Cordoba has been the asylum of the Spanish, so the revolutionary ideas of 1810 were little basis in this province. in short, is a Spanish city by literary and religious education, stationary and hostile to innovation. Buenos Aires: the city is believed a continuation of Europe, its spirit and tendencies.Buenos Aires is a city full of revolutionaries. In just ten years is done here and europificacià ³n desespaà ±olizacià ³n. Buenos Aires is all new, all revolution and movement.Rivadavia, located in the government, brings Europe. Thus, the European influence on Buenos Aires motorized progress and builds the most important institutions of the state. Rivadavia never shed blood, or destroyed property. Roses, however, is a butcher and has consumed the national treasury to support the war that he has on. A Rivadavia fits represented the glory of European civilization. Rivadavia and Rosas are the two extremes of Argentina, which binds to the wild on the pampas and Europe by the Rio de la Plata. Cordoba and Buenos Aires are the two prominent phases of the parties that divided the cities. They represent two parties: conservative and progressive. While feeding on Spain Cordoba, Buenos Aires makes it the most progressive ideas of Europe (Rousseau, Montesquieu). These parties concluded by federal and unitary called. But Argentina is geographically so constituted, that is to be united forever, even if the label of the bottle says otherwise. The Federal party of the cities was a link that linked the party barbarian campaigns. That barbaric force was scattered throughout the republic, divided into provinces. A strong hand was needed to melt it and present it as a single whole. Quiroga was the one who lent his hand. Characteristics of the unit: the unit type worship the Constitution and individual rights. Its religion is coming from the Republic. It follows from one generation reasoning, deductive, enterprising. It has fine manners, gestures, cults, dresses European. Chapter IV. Trials. Actions Tala and Rincon. In 1825, the Buenos Aires government invited the provinces to meet at a  conference to shape a general government. Facundo received this invitation with enthusiasm (something positive Facundo). The first test facundo outside the terms of the province is the action of Tala. In it, his hordes are fighting with the army of General La Madrid. La Madrid was a great man of courage, many stories about his enormous courage around him. It was a kind of poet and harangued his troops with war songs. It is the singer of the first part (chapter II). La Madrid, eager to prepare troops for the war against Brazil overthrows the Tucumà ¡n authorities. Facundo decided to invade Tucumà ¡n by order of Government of Buenos Aires. The winner goes bad gaucho of combat and the Tala flies a flag: a black cloth with a skull and crossbones, the symbol of this spirit of strength pastor, Arabic, Tatar, which will destroy cities and their progress. The flag is red, red, just like you have the federal currency Rosas. The red color on the flag is opposed to Argentina and also to progress. The red is typical of the flags of the Wild: Asian, African and is the color of the chiefs, dictators, absolutism, the executioner of Artigas. This is seen throughout history in many cases. Color is a proscribed by Christian and civilized societies, whose flags shout justice and peace, while the red screams violence, blood and barbarity. It is important to analyze this point because every civilization is expressed in suits and each suit shows a whole system of ideas. The motto appears red roses in 1820 by order of the tyrant, and since then, who does not carry the red tape stifles it, regardless if it is a great man, a girl or a child of a wealthy family. This imposes on terror, thanks to the inability to differentiate themselves and the government. This fear that governments control us barbarians is rooted in our blood is Spanish heritage, and they have suffered for centuries the power of the Inquisition. And overcome Madrid, Facundo opposes the government of Rivadavia. Facundo was not federal, was the field commander, the enemy of bad gaucho civil justice, of order, decent man, sage, coat, of the city. Its mission is to d estroy all this, and that is why we oppose the government of Rivadavia. The government proposes to freedom of worship to attract European immigration and labor. Then, in Cà ³rdoba stands an inquisition.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Organizational Technology Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Organizational Technology Plan - Essay Example Those key objectives are: Continuously improving performances relating to environmental, health, and safety issues Reporting key data as often as possible to the public Operating various businesses and subsidiaries in a sustainable manner by having innovative products and services Making practices that benefit the environment, health, and safety of all a priority to benefit stakeholders. The driving force behind Eaton’s technological environment is sustainability. Eaton is committing to sustaining its practices through research of new technology, â€Å"green† technology, and the benefits that it can produce – for example, Eaton’s hydraulic systems are a combination of hybrid and electric powertrains that reduce emissions for the cars and trucks they are a part of. 2. Personal and organizational responsibilities for moral and ethical use of technology: Eaton has committed itself to holding every employee, in every office of every branch of its company accou ntable for any action, and was named in 2010 by the Ethisphere Institute as one of the world’s most ethical companies.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Coca-Cola and the Evolution of Advertising Research Paper

Coca-Cola and the Evolution of Advertising - Research Paper Example Christened Coca-Cola by Pemberton’s accountant, the bookkeeper spelled out the product’s name in his distinctive script, which remains an integral part of the brand to this day. ( Coca-Cola by Pemberton’s accountant, the bookkeeper spelled out the product’s name in his distinctive script, which remains an integral part of the brand to this day. ( Bought by local tycoon Asa Candler in 1886, the formula was bottled and marketed across the nation.   Early ads featured ladies and children to an inordinate degree.   The subjects were bright-eyed and cherub-cheeked, conservative images even for the time.   The first â€Å"celebrity spokesperson† was a Boston actress named Hilda Clark.   This is an early example of the use of famous persons as company spokespeople ( Aside from their visual components, each ad also touted the merits of the drink.   The word that app eared over and over was â€Å"refreshed.†   The website    http://www.dirjournal.comhas a display of Coke images over the years that show this.   An ad from the 1890s features both a grown man and a young boy sipping the soft drink at a lunch counter.   Beneath this are the words â€Å"It satisfies the thirsty and helps the weary.†    A second one from the same era shows gaily dressed women at a restaurant table.   On a sign behind them, the message â€Å"Coca-Cola revives and sustains† is presented.   Developing this theme, later advertisements urged drinkers to â€Å"shop refreshed,† â€Å"lunch refreshed,† and â€Å"drive refreshed.† Appeals to the drink’s invigorating power are likely references to its high caffeine content.   This is known in marketing circles as â€Å"transformational appeal.† (Advertising appeal)   The underlying message is that using the promoted product will effect positive change in the consumer.   This same strategy used today in commercials for makeup, skin care products, and home exercise equipment.   In the late 1800s, the pitch of choice for Coca-Cola is that it would transform weary, worn out people into ones bursting with vigor and pep.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

You can decide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

You can decide - Essay Example The zoo also provides a detailed history of their origin. The following is a detailed report of my visit. The first stop was at the Safari Park Lemur Walk that provides an impressive exhibit of the promisian Lemur whose scientific name is Lumeniformes. A belief history about their origin indicates that they are from Madagascar. The park officially started conservation in 1963 .There is a total of five ring tailed Lemurs in the exhibit. The Lemur is very small and one might think it is a squirrel, a cat or a dog but it the smallest primate ever. It resembles a fox with its snout and it has a hairless nose which is usually wet this adapts it to be a good has a smooth fur which was gray for some and others had a red fur they varied with colour.The tails of the Lemurs are not PREHENSILE . The tails are long and unique with black and white rings. They have five digits on the FRONT and HIND LIMBS and bright round eyes. For the first ten minutes, the Lemurs were grooming each using an elongated nail on the second toe. They also used their finely spaced teeth. They communicated with sounds that were similar to the mewing of a cat. Physical signals like facial expressions are rare to the Lemurs lack facial muscles like most primates. In the next five minutes, something interesting came up the zookeeper kept some food in the cage that included some biscuit a vegetable and fruits. The Lemurs were using their tails to communicate to each about the would hold up their tail and the other four would take note of it. After a few minutes, they all ran toward where the food was. The tail is also a tool of communication by the lemurs. The rest of the time, the lemurs’ were sun bathing and grooming. The troop had only one male, the reason to that is because a powerful female dominates them and they chase men from their troop. I went to the Monkey Trail in the Lost Forest as my second destination.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Audit - Essay Example Market planning can be defined as â€Å"all rational, incremental and intuitive processes that guide a firm’s marketing to its future.† (RAO. 2007) When we talk about marketing planning it may seem as an easy process, however in reality it’s a complicated multifaceted process that involves every aspect of an organization. Marketing planning can be referred to activities that are undertaken by the managers to achieve marketing objectives. In other words it’s a process to identify range of options that are available to the manager in order to achieve marketing objectives and then evaluate those options and plan accordingly. The outcomes of marketing planning process are the marketing strategies to achieve marketing objectives. Marketing planning involves a systematic process of reviewing the situation, assumption formulation, setting objectives about whom to sell and how to, decisions regarding the achievement of objectives and scheduling and costing out act ivities required for implementation. (MCDONALD & WILSON. 2011) The market planning comprises of four basic components, these include marketing objectives, marketing audit, marketing strategies and resource allocation and monitoring. All these components are interlinked and are extremely important for marketing planning. I shall discuss these components in detail further. I’ve been emphasizing that the aim of the marketing planning is to achieve marketing objective, marketing objectives are something that the marketing function strives to achieve as a part of business strategic plan which usually includes increase in sales, awareness about products, creation of brand, increase in market share etc, then these goals are converted to objectives which are measurable, like increasing sales and market share by 15% within one year, this could be measured by analyzing annual sales data and industry data and other publications. (LEVENS. 2012) Marketing Objectives and Strategies In order to achieve these marketing objectives the company has to make marketing strategies. The marketing objectives identified must be in accordance with company’s overall objectives. Marketing objectives can be easily identified on the basis of marketing mix objectives which simplifies the objectives setting process which later on lays basis for marketing strategies to achieve those objectives. A marketing strategy is a series of action statements which are also known as tactics. Effective marketing strategy is critical to successful marketing plan; therefore these would be given extra importance when a marketing plan is being set up. (LANCASTER & MASSINGHAM. 2010) The Integration of Marketing Planning into Objectives and Strategies Planning itself includes goal setting and development of strategies to achieve those goals. The objective or goals and strategies to achieve these will be the outcome of marketing planning process. The marketing strategies tell what should be done and the strategic and operational plans guide how the strategies s hould

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Urban Water Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Urban Water Cycle - Essay Example The Consent Decree does not contain a completed schedule both for upgrades and construction. In other words, the Decree is not by all means a full resolution of claimed violations. In the Decree, Akron is required to submit an updated long-term control plan detailing the construction of every project. Akron was required to upgrade its Water Pollution Control station so as attain a minimum secondary treatment capacity of 130 million daily by not later than October, 15, 2017. In the same way, Akron was also needed to separate the sewers for the combined sewer outflow outfalls at Racks 8, 13, 21, and 25, as well as 30 within eight years of lodging the decree. The city was imposed with fines amounting to more than $1 billion for more than 4,000 violations of the federal Clean Water Act over the years (Davidson, ‎Howard and ‎Jacobs 825). Therefore, the courts held that the decree as not fair, adequate, reasonable, and in the best interests of the public. The ruling implies tha t rates of more than 300,000 Akron together with the suburban residents who make use of the city’s sewer system would be boosted on a less expensive plan. The sewer clean-up was necessary since it was a threat to the ecosystem of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Cleveland area is also dealing with the same problem. The Akron/Cleveland CSO area covers about 167 square miles and includes majority of the Akron metropolitan area. The population is about 352,000. When it rains heavily, the industrial and domestic wastewater exceeds the capacity of the Akron Waste Water Treatment overflowing into the Ohio Canal, Little Cuyahoga River, Cuyahoga River, and Camp Brook. It may cost the City of Akron about $1.4 billion to implement its long-term control plan. In the plan, the green infrastructure would reduce the storm water from getting into the sewers. They would rely

Reproposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reproposal - Essay Example On March 17-2011, about 1000 Saudi troops were deployed to Bahrain from Peninsula Shield Force for aiding the Bahraini authorities to get control of the local situation. This act was criticized and condemned by the Iranian authorities. The Iran’s criticism was highly opposed in the Saudi news papers by the Saudi officials. This news had three perspectives engraved in it. One perspective is that of the Saudi government and Bahraini regime, the second perspective is that of the protestors in Bahrain and third perspective is of the Iranian officials. This paper will seek to investigate that whether the print media in Saudi Arabia was biased or not in covering this story or were the Saudi newspapers manipulated by the Saudi authorities for their own interest. It will be important to determine how well the three perspectives were covered by the Saudi newspapers to convey the truth to the people. Justification News provides us with information on every aspect of life, and can relate to individuals or entire nations of people. Thus, the legitimacy of news as well as the freedom of press and speech have always been the controversial and debatable issues, particularly in a country like Saudi Arabia, which is an important and influential Islamic state governed by a Monarchy regime. News coverage in an Islamic state goes through various filters, especially if related to terrorism, extremism or other controversial topics. This compels the states to take extra measures in relation to how they want to portray their image in the media, both locally and internationally. Thus, the media in Saudi Arabia does not enjoy the freedom of press, like any other country in the Middle East, mainly due to the government pressure. The news presented to the audience in these countries goes through a substantial amount of processing, screening and editing before being delivered. Eventually, the common people sometimes only acquire a limited amount of information based on the actual re ality. Despite the obstacles, journalists and reporters in Saudi Arabia strive to provide the unbiased truth to their audience. Their job is tough due to various factors and issues, notably the strict regulations and the scrutiny of print media that influences the publishing and shaping of news in Saudi Arabia. In response to these regulations, most newspapers in Saudi Arabia have looked to acquire transparency and credibility with the help of international groups including CASTOR (Circulation Audit Steering Organisation). This is a joint venture of the GCC Advertisers’ Business Group, the IAA (International Advertising Association) and the Media Agencies’ Council, formed in the UAE in 2005 with the goal of promoting the adoption of circulation auditing so to increase transparency and credibility in the print media industry. Given all this information, it is clear that the dissertation topic offers a great deal of research and investigation of the news content on the B ahrain case as published in Saudi news papers. Literature Review Saudi Intervention The military intervention by Saudi Arabia could crush the peaceful transition in Bahrain while regionalizing a domestic political struggle. It could also aggravate the sectarian conflict in Bahrain and also across the Gulf region. Saudi Arabia,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Answer two questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer two questions - Essay Example Every individual has the decision to make with regard to the receiving the grace of God. For example we have a choice to receive or reject Jesus Christ. There are two doctrines that seek to expound the responsibility of God and man in the issue of salvation. According to Arminiasm, salvation is received through the efforts of both man and God. Mans response is therefore the main factor, because he has freewill. Therefore the provision of salvation is not for everyman (Picirilli 482). Man is the determining factor towards the gift of salvation. For example, God saved Adam but man still resisted his grace. According to the doctrine of Calvinism, salvation is determined by the power of God. God therefore determines who will receive salvation. Both are summed up in five points. Calvinism looks as atonement being unlimited and Arminism vice versa. The number of Christian denominations, in the United States are numerous, among them Lutheran, Evangelical, Orthodox among many others. Most Christian professes to love one another yet they cannot stand the ideals of others. Religious tolerance is an important aspect both to the believer and to the community because lack of tolerance leads to misunderstanding among the community who discriminate and ignore others who does not have the same common views and background. Majority of people do not know that religious tolerance promotes respect and understanding among different believers. In the world, all the big religions share the same basic rule, the culture as our golden rule, that promotes the concept of do onto others as you would like them do onto you. According to my views, this is a major teaching that demonstrates that these religions are not different from others much. In an example, Islamic tells us that Ishmael, who was Abraham’s son, was the patriarch of the Islamic religion. Jews also believes that Abraham’s son Isaac was their patriarch as he was a Jew like Abraham and so helped in spreading the Jewish

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cultural Artifacts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cultural Artifacts - Essay Example All these and many other aspects altogether represent our culture and its evolution over time. To prove my point I will concentrate on architecture how it is reflective of the culture. It not only represents the present but also has traces of the past. By observing architecture of any society over the years you can observe the evolution of their culture. It shows our values and beliefs. Architecture actually encompasses all three eras, traces of our past, needs of our present and aspirations of our future. Archeology In order to fully understand evolutionary process of architecture we need to develop sound understanding of archeology and dating methods. Crucially understanding of the past depends on the efficiency of the chronological dating methods employed. Indus civilization As we all know Indus civilization is one the oldest civilizations of the world. Some of the things found in excavations dates back to as early as 2800 BCE (McIntosh). A good understanding of their culture was developed through the literature found in some of the writings, pottery and remains of the buildings. The Indus civilization is distinctive in its indigenous development from the cotemporary civilizations. Its architecture does not bear any sign of warfare of that time. They had elaborate drainage system and well planned urban layout. Although scarcity of any building was observed, which could be identified as temple or monument? Architecture and Sculpture History According to historians large wooden houses, palaces and barns were being built in India from around 1700 BC. Although it does not have much creativity and durability was also questionable. (Subcontinent) Some stone architecture and sculpture started in India in 300 BC under the influence of Greeks and Persians. Artifacts are a good source of studying the economic and cultural conditions of any time. It was well reflected in the buildings of that era also. In fact the understanding we have developed about the older civiliz ations and their evolution and growth was achieved by studying the artifacts of those times. Indians moved from traditional wooden architecture to stone architecture and fine masonry work under the influence of foreigners. But the artifacts they produced had the Indian touch and were reflective of their culture. Rock Architecture History of Rock architecture in India dates back to eighth century. There are remains of a temple in Ellora in central Asia. (William J. Duiker) It was named after the holy mountains and it is beautifully carved out of a hill side. Traces of this form of architecture were also found in Africa. It is reflective of the technological advancement of that time because carving a mountain needed a lot of skill and equipment. It is also reflective of the religious beliefs of the time. Most of the religious architecture of that time consisted of Buddhist cave temples and monasteries. The next millennium witnessed impressive sculptures and paintings. Religious archit ecture evolved from caves to monumental structures. They were even decorated with ceilings, door frames, relevant paintings and other accessories which marked the welfare of the civilization. Islamic Architecture When India was conquered by Mughals Indian architecture took a large leap forward. Mughals were found of architecture. Magnificent buildings all over India are a proof of their taste and love for

Monday, July 22, 2019

How College Students Use Wikipedia for Course-Related Essay Example for Free

How College Students Use Wikipedia for Course-Related Essay Why then are academics so wary about the use of Wikipedia within universities? There are a number of related reasons. Before outlining them we should acknowledge that there may be differences according to academic discipline in attitudes towards Wikipedia. Speaking to academics from the natural and medical sciences over the last year, it seems that those subjects are less concerned with issues of originality of source than the arts and social sciences. It also may be [pic] and this is genuine speculation [pic] that academics in the English speaking world, where most of the academic controversy over Wikipedia use has been, are more sensitive to the source than in other parts of the world. These qualifications aside, there are definite reasons why Wikipedia use is, at the very least, contentious in universities. First, it is the product of anonymous individuals rather than known authorities, Wales is quite explicit on this: One of the fastest things we’re beginning to lose is the view of the world that there are a handful of thoughtful, intelligent people that should be broadcasting their views to everyone. And then the public is some sort of crazed rabble, easily swayed by rhetoric and so forth. Now we have to have a more nuanced understanding. Wikipedia is not necessarily anti-academic but it is anti-elitist as evidenced by the short shrift given to eminent academics in debates when they expected deference (see Keen 2007, 43[pic]4). Second, the non-proprietary nature of Wikipedia cuts against academic culture which valorises the rights of the author and publisher. Third, the anonymity of Wikipedia articles is alien to the cache of the named writer of the journal article or book. Fourth, the collaborative process challenges the norm of individual creation, prevalent in the arts and social sciences. Fifth, as intimated, Wikipedia departs from the standard mode of vetting by peer review. It is not true that articles are not reviewed. On the contrary, they are scrutinised by far more editors than for any journal. However, as the contributor is generally not an academic expert, so the reviewer is not generally an academic expert. So Wikipedia rejects academic custom in the compilation of knowledge. In addition, there are a number of what might be termed ‘learning and teaching’ issues pertaining to its use within universities. First, there is the issue of the accuracy of Teaching in Higher Education 651 Downloaded by [University of Glasgow] at 05:27 12 December 2012 Wikipedia entries, something that relates to the lack of formal expertise and peer review. Reviews of the accuracy of Wikipedia entries by formal expert(s) have actually been generally positive (for natural sciences see Giles 2005; American history Meier 2008). Despite this, the suspicion still surrounds Wikipedia that it cannot be trusted. O’Sullivan’s (2009, 119) assertion that ‘most people probably have an ambivalent attitude toward Wikipedia, thankful for its existence, using it frequently, but with reservations about its total reliability’ seems valid. Some academics would no doubt sympathise with the sardonic observation of comedian Frankie Boyle that Wikipedia entries should begin with ‘I reckon’. Second, some have questioned whether Wikipedia’s determination for studied neutrality is convincing. O’Sullivan (2010) complains that as Wikipedia only displays one voice, diversity is not incorporated and therefore articles become bland. Wales’s response is unapologetic: ‘Guilty as charged, we’re an encyclopedia’ (in Read 2006). Not that his approach to knowledge is without theory, it derives rather from his admiration for the convoluted ‘objectivist philosophy’ of Aryan Rand, the Russian e?migre? philosopher and novelist (Younkins 2007). A third learning and teaching concern is that, regardless of the reliability of Wikipedia, it is in itself an illegitimate form of research. Here the thinking would be that a student who culls Wikipedia for assignments does not understand scholarship. This consists of the consideration of various sources: a judicious sifting and ordering of knowledge, rather than lifting bite sized chunks of text that purport to capture a subject. On this Wales concurs, telling students: ‘For God sake, you’re in college; don’t cite the encyclopedia’ (in Young 2006). Some universities in the US have banned Wikipedia use, whilst others recommend a more discriminating approach (Jaschik 2007; Murley 2008). The latter is what Wales and others within Wikipedia advise: it should be used only as a starting place in academic research, a references source and a revision aid. What, however, is the evidence on Wikipedia use by students and academics at universities?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Education System in Pakistan

Education System in Pakistan How important is education for you? Importance of education can be imagined by Nelson Mandelas saying Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. That is the most powerful weapon that can change the world is Education. A nation cannot Progress without improving its education. What comes in your mind when you hear the term Education? It is very difficult to define it. Dewey defines education as a form of  learning  in which knowledge, skills, and  habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, research, or simply through auto didacticism (Dewey, John, (1916)) G. K. Chesterson also argues that Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. And I feel that it is the most appropriate and comprehensive definition because education is the thing which differentiate two people not money, education tells us the difference between two people. An educated person talks differently, he has more sense to his talk than an uneducated person. The behavior of an educated person is totally different from an uneducated person. When you know better you do better (Maya Angelou). In short education defines a human being. What are we without education? Barbarian? We need educat ion to live in this world we cannot survive without education in this rapidly developing and progressing world if we, as Pakistanis, do not get educated we will not survive in this world for long if we need to move with the world we have to move fast and have to get more educated so that we can progress with the world otherwise we will be left behind and like always other people will bully us. So in here I will talk about the education system of our country, Pakistan, its flaws and good aspect of education system of our country. If a country has a commendable education system then that country is destined to prosper. Because education teaches a person the meaning of life it teaches a man how to live in this world. In the modern era, one can say that education is one of the most powerful weapons for a nation to conquer any combat and to be a sovereign state. Education is something which differentiates humans from animals. Every person is born with brains but it is education which shows us how to use it and use it to make our life easier and more luxurious for ourselves. Being an educated person means you have optimal access to your mind regardless of the situation you are in. (Tarry Malik (2012)) Education helps us understand this world and it teaches us how to make it better not only for ourselves but for the whole world. Education has opened all kinds of doors of enlighten to human kind and shows us the path of progress. It builds the whole society. It enlightens the whole society from the darkness of illit eracy to the light of knowledge. It teaches us discipline. And on the other hand a country cannot progress without improving its education system. Education has many forms; we can see different types of education in our surroundings. The most common type we observe is the formal education which is obtained in many ways. Our formal education starts from school the education we get from school is called primary education in primary education we learn very basic things like basics of maths the four operators addition, subtraction ,multiplications and division we only learn the basics of every subject. As said by Henry Fielding Public schools are the nurseries of all vice and immorality. Then comes the secondary education in this level of the education we learn basics of some complex subjects like biology and physics. Then comes the intermediate level or commonly known as inter level here we learn the advance but not that advance study of the science and we also learn arts subjects such as Urdu and English up to the level that we can write or read all kind of things. After that comes to the bachelors Level where we choose a subject and we learn all about that specific subject like B. A. English. In B. A. English we learn all the grammar and literature of English after the bachelors comes the master level in which we have even more specific field of the topic we choose earlier in the bachelors level and we learn all about that in master level. These are some common phases of education which come into our mind suddenly when we hear the word Education and these phases are called formal education. But education is not limited to formal type only; it has a very broad meaning. Apart from this formal type, other is also an informal type of education. Distant learning is one of its parts. Home and society is the most common source of it. Informal education is education which we get from our surrounding and society and from our daily experiences. And we can also get informal education from television and internet too. Informal education is as important as formal education. In Pakistan presently the institution are following two kinds of education systems, one being private sector and the other government sector. These two sectors cater the needs of the general public. Education system of private sector is more than satisfactory as they provide good teaching staff to their students and the syllabus they teach is also satisfactory. They also provide necessary extracurricular activities to their students. But the real problem is with the public or government sectors education as they neither have efficient teaching staff nor they have teachers which are well qualified for the job, and I think that is the biggest problem of them all, then the syllabus and the courses are not up to the mark. There are no extracurricular activities in public sector too. Apart from these differences, there is a contrast in teaching style and teachers behavior. Teachers are friendlier with their students in private institutes. In these institutes, students are able to learn mo re with more comfort. On the other hand this type of behavior is not common in public sector. A report published in the Journal of Human Resources says that School quality was found to have mixed effects on student achievement. However, in keeping with the estimates of school choice reported in this paper, high pupil-teacher ratios were found to have a uniform negative effect on student achievement, with the effect being particularly pronounced on language skills. This is also consistent with the large negative effect of pupil-teacher ratios on probability of selecting government schools. Finally, private schools were found to have better outcomes than government schools. (Harold Aldermana Peter F. Orazemb Elizabeth M. Paternoc (2001)). Due to this large difference between these two sectors, a common man cares about his children and do not allow the children to be admitted in the government sector. By admitting their child in private sector, most of the people are more satisfied about the future of their children. There are some flaws in the education system of Pakistan. We have very few resources to maintain a good structure of our education system. But the good thing is that our government is very committed to take some steps for betterment of education as National Educational Policy says The Ministry of Education has adopted following vision: Our education system must provide quality education to our children and youth to  enable them to realize their individual potential and contribute to development of society  and nation, creating a sense of Pakistani nationhood, the concepts of tolerance, social  justice, democracy, their regional and local culture and history based on the basic ideology  enunciated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan (2009)) Our government has not enough budgets for education as we are facing some problems in our financial condition. Government is unable to start new schools, colleges and universities so there is a very few number of government institutes in our country so people have to concern with the private institutes to keep their education going, where they have to face heavy expenditure of education. We cannot blame any government for this flaw because as a state we are facing some serious problems regarding our econo my; we do not have enough assets and in addition to this, terrorism is also damaging the economy. But the good thing is that government is trying to increase its education budget to fulfill the educational expenditure of the country. So after some time we can have improved our number of resources. Also there is a huge unbalance in number of institutes in rural and urban area. There are 163,000 primary schools in Pakistan, of which merely 40,000 cater to girls. Of these, 15,000 are in Punjab Province, 13,000 in Sind, 8,000 in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and 4,000 in Baluchistan. (Aamir Latif, Alarming situation by Aamir Latif ()) Another problem in our system is untrained teachers, here we have no such mechanism by using which we can train the teachers. Because teacher is the one who builds the whole society. So he must be well aware of his responsibilities so that he can cultivate civilized and educated citizens. By organizing a community which teaches the teachers that how to behave and teach and also what to teach, this problem can be resolved. Outdated course is also one the major problem. Our educational experts must be well aware of what is happening in the world regarding to every field so that they can update curricula according to the need of time. Examination system is also facing some problems; in our system, class teacher is all and all as for as examinations are concerned. Papers are completely from the syllabus which teacher has discussed in the class but after middle, papers are made by the different educational boards regardless of what is being taught in different institutes and the communication gap between teachers, students and the respective board causes doubt in students mind. By compressing the communication gap, this flaw can be root caused. As discussed above, government should take some steps to improve the educational system of our country. For example they can start with the increase in the educational budget so they can attract good teachers and can build more schools, colleges and universities. It is very important to make more universities cause there is a lot of students who cannot afford private institutes for their further studies and need government universities to study further but due to small number of government universities some students are forced to leave there studies and they get a job to support their families. The government really needs to update their course and syllabus because it is now out dated and there are a lot of mistakes in books. One of the most annoying thing that they should improve or correct is examination system because exams taken by the government is not really meant to test the grip or concepts of the student it is rather based on the fact that how well the student memorize each and every word that is written in the book. The checking system is also not good as they do not give marks properly as there are so many complaints every year. The teaching style of the teachers is also not so much good as the teaching style of the teacher should be such that it brings out the true talent of the child but here teachers only read the text written in the books not explaining it properly not having different exercises with it which is not good enough. Apart from flaws there are some very good aspects of our educational system too. The most clear thing is that in spite of lack in resources and new technology, our system is not only working but one can assure that it is progressing and getting successful to educate the people of Pakistan. Which is clear by the figures During 2005-06, literacy rate for all adults of 15 years and above rose to 51.7% 53.5% during 2007-08 and for young adults (aged 15-24 years) to 67% in 2005-06 68% in 2007-08. Both these rates show improvements from their 2001-02 levels, of 43% and 62% respectively. (Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan (2009)) So, as I had said that education is very important for every one we should encourage everyone to obtain it because it helps us live in this world it is the reason that westerns are so far ahead of us in every aspect of life. Until we do not get educated we cannot help our country or show our country the path of development and progress the only way Pakistan can progress is with the help of educated people which we lack a lot. So our government should pay special attention towards the development of the educational system of our country so that we can produce more educated people in Pakistan. It is not only governments responsibility to improve the educational system of Pakistan it is our responsibility too to make the educational system of Pakistan more efficient and more effective.

Killing and non-killing religions

Killing and non-killing religions Introduction: In the current times, the world is vulnerable to terror attacks. Some of these terrorism activities are always associated with extreme religious organizations. Take for instance, the ISIS, a terror organization operating in Iraq and Syria (Armstrong, 2014). This terror group justifies the killing of non-Muslims on religion. They wrongly believe that the Quran gives them authority to kill and maim anyone who is not practicing Islam. This paper seeks to explain the concept of killing and non-killing religions. It further seeks to identify, which of these is associated with modern day terrorism. This paper takes a stand that killing religions are mostly associated with modern day terrorism. Killing and Non Killing Religions: Non-killing refers to attitudes and actions intended to prevent or stop international acts of killing human life. This is a term that seeks to speak against violence, and it promotes a peaceful co-existence. Non-Killing can be used to refer to a religious belief that does not advocate for violence. Examples of such religions include Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, etc (Docker, 2008). These are regarded as non-killing religions, because their teachings advocate against violence. Take for instance in Christianity, the bible teaches that if a person hits you on one cheek, then give him another cheek to hit. This means that a Christian should not take any retaliatory measures, such as paying violence with violence (Docker, 2008). Killing religions on the other hand advocate for the elimination of anybody who goes against its command. An example includes a religion that supports the murder or killing of people, who do not ascribe to its values (Pallmeyer, 2003). Controversy exists on whether Islam is an example of a killing religion or not. This is because there have been different interpretations of the teachings of Islam. One interpretation is of the need to kill anybody who does not practice Islam. Other hand, other Islamic scholars argue that this is not correct. This is because Islam seeks to embrace other religions (Docker, 2008). However, this is an issue of debate. In a nutshell, while most Muslims view religion and morality as a means of achieving peace, few of them see violence as a means of achieving it. The group view jihadists as an aberration of Islam that offers little more than oppression, religious police, veiled women, and disavowal of modern science. Differences Christians (Nonkilling Religion) believe that God sent Christ to correct the deviations of the Jews. Muslims on another hand trust that God sent Prophet Mohammed, his final prophet, to correct the deviations of the Christians. They believe that Christianity is not a true representation of the teachings of God (Docker, 2008). For example, the two depart on the use of violence to spread their religion. For instance, one of the teachings of Christianity is that he who lives by the sword, will also die by the sword. This is a condemnation of violence, and it is seeking to promote a peaceful co-existence amongst one another. The Quran teaches that anyone who tries to leave the religion should be punished. By looking at these facts, it is possible to denote that Christianity and Islam are two very different religions, and they propagate different values and beliefs. Buddhism and Hinduism are other non-killing religions (Pallmeyer, 2003). These religions believe in a peaceful co-existence amongst one another. Furthermore, Buddhism believes that to achieve ultimate peace, there is a need of an individual to constantly meditate. Hinduism believes in the existence of many gods, and goddesses. On this fact, this religion embraces other religions, and their beliefs. This is unacceptable in Islam. Islam does not tolerate any other religion, and they believe that no God exists, apart from their god, who is called Allah. It is because of this fact that Islamic extremists are willing to kill, for Allah (Pallmeyer, 2003). The violent advocation of Islamic beliefs is referred to as Jihad. Jihad refers to an action aimed at exerting effort for purposes of achieving a desired outcome. Muslims normally fight Jihad on two levels. The first level, is the war against Satanic accusations, poverty, and diseases (Pallmeyer, 2003). The second Jihad is fought against any person who is viewed as going against the principles and doctrines of Islam. Non-killing religions do not support any type of violence, nor do they have any violent ideologies, such as jihad. Islam stresses that anyone who does not convert to Islam, should be killed, or enslaved. The other non-killing religions do not have these provisions (Pallmeyer, 2003). For them, those who do not agree with their dogmas are never slayed or killed. In this view, we can appreciate the fact that these two religions do contrast in huge steps. While the former propagates for killing the rebels or making them slaves, the latter focuses on tolerance and peace. They do these based on Koran's Allah doctrines. In addition, in case a Muslim brother gets into the way of murdering the non-Muslims, Islam permits that such an individual is slain. They can go into the levels of leveling a neighborhood to finish off infidel (Pallmeyer, 2003). In this sense, Islam regards these types of killings as piety, and it sees nothing wrong with it. For example, the word Boko Haram means that Western Education is sinful. This is a religious extremist group that is found in Northern Nigeria and it advocates for the Islamization of Nigeria. In the pursuit of their goal, they burned schools, kidnaped hundreds of children, and left causalities numbering in thousands. Their suspected links with the al-Qaeda in the Maghreb and al-Shabaab in Somalia has made Boko Haram a real menace in the eyes of U.S national security. The other non-killing religions calls for loving your neighbors as you love you. So the notion of killing to gain something is seen as evil in these forms of religions. In comparison to Christianity, Islam does not offer a chapter about love, 1 Corinthians 13.There exist no parable of Good Samaritan (Docker, 2008). The call to personal holiness doesn't exist entirely. There is no hope for personal salvation by way of sinless sacrifice just as Christ did upon Calvary. The hope of eternal bliss in holy heaven is non-existent (Ellens, 2004). The sacrifice of laying down the life of one person is not present in Islam. Instead, it is killing others that will let you gain eternity (Docker, 2008). The love for a neighbor is absent in totality among the killing religions. This is seen amongst the Boko Haram militants. This people kill, with the argument that they are advocating for the adoption of Islamic principles. Prophet Mohammed was a political leader, and the Koran had much to say about how to organize a well-run society in a manner that promotes peace and justice. The two make it true by saying that, modern day Muslims find it very absurd to separate religion from Government. It begs the question, why would human law be above the law of God. It is on this baseline that we find so many extremists rising up to counter government forces in all manner of wicked bloodshed strategies (Docker, 2008). They do not think about who they might be putting in danger, but their main focus is selfishness. In other world religions, the reverse is very evident, Killing is not allowed and is regarded very evil. Such acts attract punishments ranging from eternal condemnation and torture. In these religions, there is the separation of religion and government structures (Docker, 2008). The holy book of Muslims is the Koran. It is a compilation of God's laws which were revealed to Mohammed.. Mohammed is respected by most Muslims as a prophet of God and not as an extension of God. Christ in His works here on earth claimed to be God. Mohammed was a mortal appointed by God to proclaim the message of peace and enlightenment and in this sense; he had no supernatural powers (Ellens, 2004). To Christianity, it is contrary to these. Christ in his ministry among the Jews did many miracles that culminated into very many people following His doctrine. This includes raising the dead, healing the sick, etc. For Him, many people believed in eternal bliss in holy heaven because He was an extension of God Himself. Modern Day Terrorism Modern day terrorism is deeply associated with killing religions. Take for example, Islam. Most terrorism groups that emerge, normally associate themselves with Islam. An example is Al-Qaeda, whose leaders called for Jihad, against the Americans and the Israeli interests (Ellens, 2004). This is because they believed that America and Israel were working against the interests of Islam. The Quran encourages Muslims to take captives during instances of war (Armstrong, 2014). This can only happen when a jihad is declared. This is the reason why most terror groups normally cite a Jihad, when engaged in terrorism activities. It might be true theoretically, but modern day terrorism is evident on the verses from Koran like the one above. A lot of emphases are on the jihad as means of seeing the wonderful life ahead of us. In this regard, extremists like the al-Qaeda, al-Shabab and the Boko Haram of Nigeria take it upon themselves to control governments by either hijacking planes, children or just killing using bombs (Armstrong, 2014). What matters to them is exerting fear and anxiety among innocent citizens at the expense of their selfish endeavors. There is a very strong association between modern day terrorism and faith. These words are well depicted in the brutal killing of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo by a recent Muslim convert called Michael Zeharf-Bibeau. In his submission, he states that it very absurd for a Muslim convert to go on a shooting spree in the Canadian parliament (Docker, 2008). In as much as it is visible that the religion has something to do with behavior, other factors also can contribute. For instance, neglect on upbringing, ideology, mental problems and even criminal past and drug addiction. But of the stated reasons religion has the strongest relation with what Bibeau did in Canada (Docker, 2008). The precipitation of modern day terrorism resurgence of armed and radical jihadi movements are two in nature.First is the revolutionary ideals and ideology of the 1979 Iranian revolution and secondly, the practical application of jihad against the Soviet Union's occupation of Afghanistan. Conclusion Religious terrorism is the political insurgency by members of a certain group of doctrinal faith in trying to avert the effects of the stated political system. In this sense, anything that results from such an arrangement is viewed as a huge blessing to the people fighting for that course. Modern day terrorism is visible by many groups of the Islamic faith who have a baseline of bloodletting. The recent events in the United States on September 11, 2001 showed the lengths at which these extremists can extend to. The modern day government or political units should endeavor to reach out to the grievances aired out by political extremists. On a religious scale, it is imperative for the states to try out to counter the effects of religious extremist. The killing religion propagates for modern day hijacking of planes and children, like the Nigerian Boko Haram and the al-Qaeda not forgetting the al-Shabaab in present-day Somalia. In this submission it is practical knowledge to denote killin g religions with modern terrorism. References: Armstrong, K. (2014). Fields of blood religion and the history of violence. New York, N.Y.: Books on Tape :. Docker, J. (2008). The origins of violence religion, history and genocide. London: Pluto Press. Top of Form Bottom of Form Ellens, J. (2004). The destructive power of religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. Top of Form Bottom of Form Pallmeyer, J. (2003). Is religion killing us?: Violence in the Bible and the Quran. Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Energy Flow Systems :: essays research papers

Energy Flow Systems   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Richard White's Organic Machine, and William Cronon's Changes in the Land, both examine environments as energy flow systems. The energy flow model was utilized by the authors to explain relationships within ecosystems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Richard White's thesis is to examine the river as an organic machine, as an energy system that, although modified by human intervention, maintains it's natural, its â€Å"unmade† qualities. White emphasizes on energy because it is a useful concept that can be easily understood. He says, â€Å"the flow of the river is energy, so is the electricity that comes from the dams that block that flow. Human labor is energy; so are the calories that are stored as fat by salmon for their journey upstream.† White notes that energy is as concrete as salmon, human bodies, and the Grand Coulee Dam. White wants his readers to think about nature and its relationship with humanity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  White explains how the river is energy. The Columbia River works as gravity pulls it to the Pacific Ocean. The Columbia is continuously cutting into the terrain that it flows through. Over millions of years water rushed through the Columbia Basin to form the Columbia River. Water carries soil, silt, and debris downstream. The constant movement of material in the river cuts and shapes the river basin into the land. This movement is a slow and inefficient use of energy. According to White, only two percent of water's potential energy results in the work of erosion. The other ninety-eight percent of water's energy was lost as water molecules rub against themselves, the river bed, and the river banks. This energy was released as heat into the river.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often the energy of flowing water was not recognized. There are occasions when rivers do show their power is destructive ways. Power was usually demonstrated through floods, and more so in flash floods. Thousands of years ago, an ice dam in the Columbia River, holding the glacial lake Missoula, broke and created the largest known freshwater flood in earth's history. The flood rushed into the Columbia Channel and created the Grand Coulee and other rock channels that would have taken the Mississippi River three hundred years at full flood to create.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Salmon are also a part of the Colombian energy model. As the river works its way downward to the Pacific Ocean, the salmon work their way up the Columbia to spawn. The energy in salmon can be measured by their body fat and caloric value. Salmon start their run upstream prepared for the long hard run. Their bodies have stored fat and oil after a year worth of feeding at sea.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Poem analysis. Essay -- English Literature

Poem analysis. POEM The deathly child is very gay, He walks in the sunshine but no shadow falls his way. He has come to warn us that one must go who would rather stay Oh deathly child With a hear of woe And a smile on your face, Who is it that must go? He walks down the avenue, the trees Have leaves that are silver when they are turned upon the breeze He is more pale than the silver leaves more pale that these He walks delicately, He has a delicate tread. Why look, he leaves no mark at all Where the dust is spread Over the cafà © tables the talk is going to and fro An the people smile and they frown, but they do not know That the deathly child walks. Ah who is it that must go? I think that this poem is about the angel of death who is here to take the soul of a person. The first text gives us a brief outline of the poem. From the second to the fourth text we find a description of the deathly child and the last text gives the perception of the public as from the deathly child's own perspective. The deathly child decides whose soul to take as he passes the people. The language of the text has an interesting rhythm effect which has some underlying regularity mixed with variation. In the first, middle and last text, the last word in each stanza all rhyme, however the last word in the second and fourth stanza rhymes.which appears to look like this: - 1st text all rhymes 2nd text 2nd and 4th stanza rhymes 3rd text all rhymes 4th text 2nd and 4th stanza rhymes 5th text all rhymes I have also noticed that when looking at the poem, these rhythmic words have only one-word syllables, when pronounced they are stressed. The first, third and fifth texts have... ...e leaves no mark at all where the dust is spread". I think that the writer writes in this particular way, because the writer is describing the deathly child as something different from the humans. If someone does not have a shadow, it means that they do not have a soul. When it says "he leaves not mark at all where the dust is spread" is shows that the deathly child cannot be seen. Graphology: all lines begin with a capital letter because to give relations between speech and writing. And there are no two sentences within the same line, except the last stanza, which not only has a capital at the beginning of the line but also in the next sentence. I have also noticed that all the stanzas in the middle text begin with the letter "h" and the first letters in the first and second texts are also represented in the third and fifth text but in different order.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Satire in the Eighteenth Century Essay -- Literature Essays Literary C

Satire in the Eighteenth Century      Ã‚  Ã‚   New ideas, original thoughts, and fresh interpretations characterized the spirit of the eighteenth century. Science was flourishing, and therefore it brought new discoveries that challenged the traditional dominating force of religion.   Influential figures of the age, such as Voltaire, Jonathan Swift, and William Hogarth, strove to assure human betterment and advance human thinking through truth and humorous criticism.   They employed the use of satire in order to accomplish their common goal.    According to A Handbook of Literary Terms, satire is defined as "a work or manner that blends a censorious attitude with humor or wit for improving human institutions or humanity" (Harmon and Holman 461).   The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics further asserts that satire is "both a mode of discourse or vision that asserts polemical or critical outlook, and also a specific literary genre, embodying that mode in either prose or verse" (Preminger and Brogan 1114).   In essence, satire emerges as a device to successfully diagnose human faults and offer a cure for society.    Satire often includes abuse, sarcasm, irony, mockery, exaggeration, and understatements.   Arguably Voltaire's most famous work, Candide presents a string of characters laced in exaggeration.   For example, the Baron's lady was not only a large presence, but she weighed a striking three hundred and fifty pounds.   Furthermore, the Baron's castle was considered a monument of prestige, "for his house had a door and several windows and his hall was actually draped in tapestry" (Voltaire 19).   It is apparent that the use of the hyperbole, among other elements, played a crucial role in the potency of satir... and improves judgment: he that rectifies the public taste is a public benefactor" (Preminger and Brogan 1115).   The eighteenth century was a time of transformation, in which society was in constant evolution.   The progress of the age was delivered to the common person's doorstep through literature and art and reached the common person's understanding through satire.   Hence, satire was both a furious weapon and a common medium that was utilized by the thinkers of the eighteenth century to promote the Enlightenment.      Works Cited "Art of William Hogarth". 7 July 2000. Harmon, William and C. Hugh Holman.   A Handbook of Literary Terms.   New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992. Preminger, Alex and T.V.F. Brogan, ed. The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.   New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993. "Swift Biography".   8 July 2000.


Additionally, if the slower receipt of payments impacts the organization's ability to quickly pay its own operational expenses then you might also see an increase in the accounts payable liability account. Conversely, on the Income Statement, one would expect to see an increase in the patient revenue account since the deal was that the NCO had longer to pay in trade for a HIGHER reimbursement rate. Also, on the Income Statement as the receivables account increases then you would also see an increase in the Provision for Doubtful Accounts.How might negotiating an NCO contract affect financial statements? The accounts that will be impacted on the Balance Sheet (which was the nature Of my question) are as follows. How does the Provision for Doubtful Accounts work? Posted by ROBERT ADAMS atlas 16, 2015, 8:09 PM If a hospital such as FCC renegotiated an NCO contract that allowed the NCO to take longer to pay in exchange for a higher reimbursement rate, this would increase patient revenue on the Income Statement because the NCO is paying at a higher rate.However, since the NCO has longer to pay then the Patient Accounts Receivable (A/R) on the Balance Sheet would also increase. As this A/R account increases, the amount booked as Provision for Doubtful Accounts would also increase since this expense is often simply a percentage of the A/R account. OR a more real world response: In the case of FCC, they treat the Provision of Doubtful Accounts as an expense account. This is an account that is used to ‘book† the projected losses associated with carrying a receivables account on the Balance Sheet for patient revenue.You might ask why an organization would need to do this. Well anytime you have a receivables account there is some likelihood that some of that account will go uncollected. Generally, an organization can use historical data to project what percentage of a receivable account might not be collected. Regarding this assignment, FCC renegotiated a prim ary managed care contract which allowed the NCO longer to pay in exchange for a higher reimbursement rate. The impact of the NCO having longer to pay means that the receivables account would grow.If FCC applies its historical percentage for uncorrectable to a growing receivables account then the Provision for Doubtful Accounts would naturally increase as well. How does purchasing extra inventory change financial statements? As FCC purchases inventory it is placed on the Balance Sheet as an asset. It is VERY important for you all to understand that the supplies expense will not increase on the Income Statement UNTIL the supplies are actually used by FCC. For instance, if FCC purchased $1 of extra inventory this loud be listed as an asset on the Balance Sheet.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Knowledge workers Essay

Knowledge molders argon the valuable asset of the company and their centering is inhabitn as familiarity solicitude. They yield towards improved productivity and commission that leads to conquest of the organization therefore their role is in truth important and new organizations should impose it in their culture. There is no limit or boundaries to acquire knowledge or to research it and knowledge management is one of its kinds. The converse with Karl-Erik Sveiby indicates his familiarization with this concept and his role in the procession of knowledge management.Karl came across this term when he started nominateing in his own publishing company. It was at this time that his move to know more about the term knowledge management developed when he motto knowledge workers in his own company. It is a knowledge based strategy well-nigh what close to the concept of directing organization. , it improves the work of the business therefore it is as well cognise as the c ompetence based strategy. Karls interest in it grew over the old age especially in the 1990s as he had passion for creativity and creating repute at work by dint of and through concourse and environment, moreover the trend was changing from IT towards the pile.His urge for tacit knowledge has led him to work on aboriginal knowledge valet for the time being. He believed computers can also play a role in this work as well through the development of mother fuckers that contri furthere towards creativity such(prenominal) as simulations and educational tools. Knowledge management helps in formulating strategies, development of tools and engagement of pack into work. Karl has been inspired by new ideas through interaction with the tidy sum around him obscure from the formal network of people which is a usual way and various cerebration leaders too such as Marshall McLuhan.He wrote a daybook named Invisible balance sheet in the year 1989 which got overwhelming response from pe ople who imitated it and exercisingd it as their work scarce a lot of people simulatet know that Karl was the original origin of these new ideas introduced such as quartet power players and intangible resources like customer capital, structural capital, and human capital. He believed in sharing the knowledge in humanity and has given access to his work online warrant of charge to download for everyone including his books, he has got a lot of appreciation from the people for his work and ideas though there are people who have copied his work.Karl has got intangible value in return as a punish of working with gifted people for the gather of everyone and he is satisfied with this opportunity to learn as a reward. These tools and ideas are to be used to improve people and their thinking. Organizations should implement this in their work to make it a better place. Knowledge and technology should be used to have better escort over people rather than it winning over people comple tely.People apply the concepts by copying them for their own put on rather than humanity. Finland is one of the countries which is working on knowledge based policies far frontwards than any other country and has embraced it but yet again it needs to be done widely in order to see results. This concept does not lurch any organization, it depends on the top management that they realize its potential and ingrain in into the business in order to use knowledge as a tool for better management of resources and the organization as a whole.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Understanding Research Methodology

intelligence disbelief systemological comp hold backour website speaking TopicsWhat is look ruleological depth psychology?The enquiry methodological compend is an constituent(a) lineament of your stoogevass, and cond bingles the methods you ar proviso to civilize to excavate your sermon or react your investigate oral sex. As an cause, if you would exchangeable to look what customers appreciate rough a late-sprung(prenominal) product, you entrust motivation to fig a pursue c be methodological abstract that accurately answers the question twain interviews, focalize groups, or questionnaires. The pattern of the defy c bek methodological compendium chapter is to explain how you all toldow consume the look into, and which entropy line of battle/ psycho epitome methods you leave subprogram.The inquiry methodological compendium leave behind expoundThe simulation of the explore, including philosophies, assumptions, and th eories The methods, procedures, and techniques you rehearse to fit the sureness and harshness of the query The philosophic orientation course of the look into exculpation for choosing the wedded look methodological analysis The honourable considerations and limitations of the selected query method. figure Your methodological analysis inquiryWhen you bring aside your methodological analysis for your come acrossk, you essential already stupefy a send away functional supposition and look for questions. Preparing your interrogation material body is a ambitious task, and involves the sideline tasks delimit the footing of set forthation ( soft, valued, or both) ensure the give in bailiwick of the look into basic, or selective breeding- found Identifying the enquiry methodological analysis burn up longitudinal or cross-section(a) ascertain the adjudicate design entropy gather ining methods The final cause for the information allureme nt and analysis trigger and expositionYou provoke to absolve your search methodological analysis decisions by demonstrate your grounds of varied techniques. You as soundly make to be advised of the risks and limitations of the selected information assembly and analysis method, and establish your talent in utilize diametrical information analysis.What to take on in Your look into methodological analysisWe bewilder already cover combine enquiry methods in a distinguishable article, so be sealed to hamper it out(a), however, in decree to inform your contributors nigh the examine you incur undertaken, you go through to implicate the search dodging, inquiry method, explore coming and assumptions, selective information charm methods and tools, savour pickaxe, investigate exhibit, entropy analysis techniques, honest considerations, and look into limitations. on a lower floor you burn look on what to include in each disassemble of you r methodological analysis enquiry. inquiry dodging You strike to put forward how you go away gather up information, carry through your analysis, belles-lettres review, and how you exit come-on conclusions. explore methodYou essential subscribe to amidst qualitative, quantifiable, or manifold look methods. investigate coming and assumptionsYou guide to suppose whether or non your seek is based on all assumptions or hypotheses, and how you go out burn down the topic. info charm methods and tools contingent the strategy you give use to collect information vistas, observation, statistics, or interviews, and rock the tools and software system you pass oning use. strain infusion leave behind a consume alternative and cellular inclusion/ ejection criteria. In frank example you pure(a) a look into involving people, press out the demographics of the warning. question bear on rip up a look process correspond that lists all the go you seduce to re assure that the selective information lead be reliable and delivered in a by the way manner.selective information analysis techniquesnation how you allow for poll the results, for example software, spreadsheet, or thematic analysis in show cuticle you claim a qualitative interrogation.honorable considerations image your instinct of the honorable issues that king farm during the look for and stir how you leave delay them. search limitationsYou dealister dry land the limitations of the methodological analysis uses, latent bias, or wasted model size. seek methodology ExamplesThe query methodology is requisite for intimately PhD Theses and speechs. No event if you are penning near patients experiences in a hospital or inquiry new technologies in selective information protection, this chapter leave behind be essential. on a lower floor you leave alone apply close to examples of using methodology question verbal commentarys the mightily way.Nursing look into methodology madness CareThis theme head the methods utilize for literature search for an trial-and-error debate instruction on different interventions for insanity care. The social organization of this methodology chapter is different, as the drive focuses on study live look into studies and draft a conclusion. hold back out the nursing look methodology to see the structure. vicenary look into methodology Sample makeup a decimal research methodology chapter should unblock the pick of the information ingathering and analysis tools, and detail the methods, take in strategy, and instruments employ for appeal information. As you give notice see, this methodology research chapter includes the ethical considerations and the problems and limitations at the end of the section. guide a precedent quantitative research methodology chapter.Business issue field of view speech question methodological analysisAs you idler see, the research methodo logy chapter is unambiguously knowing for lesson studies. In this prototype, the antecedent go aways oratory philosophical system and a sack up up description of the research entree complex methods research, as hearty as the research strategy, detailing each tramples aim, sample size, graphic symbol of questions, and the method of data analysis. The condition as well provides a en vainglorious description of the take in method, essential data collection, and data analysis methods by the piece for quantitative and qualitative information. drive the adept case study methodology chapter.Research Methodology for Quantitative Surveys Including cadence HorizonsIn this quantitative survey dissertation methodology chapter, you pass on find an macrocosm that justifies the selection of the methods and research strategy, as well as a research philosophy, research approach, strategy, and time horizons. If you take on a large outperform research that will take month s to complete, it is a good melodic theme to provide a time horizon. In this sample chapter, you can see that the author utilizes both primordial and standby research, and carries out a longitudinal research consisting of nonuple phases. Therefore, a timeline champions prep all the locomote and gives the reader a clear intellect close the work mingled in this study.Do You lead do with Writing Your Research Methodology?If you are motionlessness alienated slightly where to produce opus your dissertation research methodology chapter, and would wish nearly dish selecting the decently data collection and analysis methods, you can larn in forgather with our lucky police squad at our site, who have already helped many a(prenominal) students in the past initiateting their research spotless to a game standard, advising them on topics, methodology, and structure. accede your question and get professed(prenominal) help from one of our academician researchers.